Collectible Fashion and Skins.

SuperNormal is positioned at the intersection of these two markets and aims to pioneer collectible fashion. Fashion with blockchain-backed record-keeping will have major implications on provenance, collectibility, and ultimately fraud prevention. NFTs now can provide a new level of utility to clothing that was impossible.

Phydigital (related to 2 and 3): Physical + Digital

We are exploring collaborations with high end fashion houses and have begun working on our own in house capsule pack designed by a prominent streetwear designer (more on that soon). This partnership will allow us to seamlessly blend the physical and digital fashion world by having an entire line of fashion that straddles both realms.

Digital to Physical: SuperNormal clothing and accessories will be translated into physical products with the inclusion of rarity and blockchain-based record keeping.

Physical to Digital: the SuperNormal team will make physical designs of apparel and accessories from Lux Brands into NFTs which are digital wearables or metaverse-compatible items (traits) for both ZMV, Fashion Game and other games.


Zipcy's Metaverse (ZMV)

Our team will develop exclusive real estate in Decentraland, Sandbox, NFT Worlds, and World Wide Webbland. We plan to host many exciting and fun events, some public to all and some exclusive to SuperNormal holders.

We are exploring metaverse ownership for all Zipcy holders. i.e. 1-1 land plots for each 8888 Zips... LOOKING AT YOU $WRLD

Season 2 will bring wearable fashion inside the Metaverse.


Art Collaborations

Collaborations are also underway with popular projects and artists. One of the most exciting collaborations is the Charity Auction, which includes a number of influential artists in the space; LisaODT, GreyRadian, orabelart, jfemiki, emmavolou_, pussyrrriot, ix_shells, dielamaharanie, nftfat, Hyun Peach, Kyu Yong Eom.


Fashion Game (Not P2E)

Most anticipated item on the roadmap is the Season 2 game will introduce a new line of SuperNormals which will be a separate collection of up to 20,000 NFT’s. In season 2, a larger variety of traits will be introduced - bolder and avant-garde than those that have preceded.

Up to 8,888 Han Yak (Korean Potions) will be free to claim for all Season 1 holders. The remaining will be put up for pre/public sales. Consuming a Han Yak will allow you to participate in the exclusive fashion game, granting a user access to 20-30 random, new traits to dress their Season 2 SuperNormal.

The game will also feature integrated selling/marketplace capabilities.